Luminosity Academy

Video Lessons

Students have a limited attention span, especially after a long day of school, extra-curricular activities and homework. Short video lessons are a the perfect way to consume the majority of supplementary lesson content. It allows the student to watch and re-watch short videos that deliver each piece of important information in an engaging way over the course of a few minutes. The student can rewind, slow down or speed up the video at any time and then move onto the next video when they are ready. This allows students to study at a customized pace that is appropriate for that individual student and the complexity of the topic they are trying to understand.

Once registered, students can login to our Learning Management System (LMS), where we provide access to a library of hundreds of video lessons and course notes covering EVERY topic being tested in their exam. Our content is created by our diverse team which brings together decades of experience in teaching, tutoring, entertainment and technology to help visualise abstract concepts and make them relevant, entertaining and memorable.

For the sections worth the most marks in the exam, we cover all the important pre-requisite foundational knowledge required to understand the concepts being tested on. This includes recapping important concepts taught in previous grades which are critical to understanding the new information. We try to fill in any gaps that might exist in the students foundational knowledge before we cover the content required for the exam.

We also cover important additional topics such as EXAM PREPARATION STRATEGY and MINDSET. We teach students how to effectively use the time they have BEFORE THE EXAM and DURING THE EXAM in order to give them the best chance of doing well. We also teach students how to get themselves into the mindset required to learn effectively as well as to handle the stress associated with writing exams.

You can watch our video lessons for FREE (with ads) on our Luminosity Academy YouTube Channel